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dc.contributor.authorVillarosa, Francesco Notarbartolo di-
dc.contributor.authorCurralero, Cláudia Baddini-
dc.description.abstractThe first WWP Case Study – part of a series on successful productive inclusion initiatives in Brazil – features the Bahia State Government’s Better Life (Vida Melhor) Program, launched in 2011 with a focus on vulnerable citizens working informally (e.g. street vendors, trash pickers and craft artists), excluded from formal labor markets and often ignored by official aid mechanisms. Through an innovative approach, the program developed a specific strategy aimed at the needs of this target group: self-employed, low-income workers, whose main characteristic is not differentiating the work resources from the family’s expenses.pt_BR
dc.publisherWorld Without Poverty (WWP)pt_BR
dc.subjectGovernmental coordinationpt_BR
dc.subjectSocio-productive inclusionpt_BR
dc.subjectUrban micro-entrepreneurspt_BR
dc.subjectBahia’s Vida Melhor Programpt_BR
dc.subjectUrban developmentpt_BR
dc.subjectSocial programspt_BR
dc.subjectInformal marketpt_BR
dc.titleHow to strengthen urban micro-entrepreneurs: Bahia’s “Vida Melhor” Programpt_BR
dc.typeEstudo de Casopt_BR
dc.rights.holderWorld Without Poverty (WWP)pt_BR
dc.description.physicalNúmero de páginas: 26 p.pt_BR
dc.description.classificationPolíticas Públicas e Sociaispt_BR
dc.description.additionalThis study case is part of a series of studies of the Brazil Learning Initiative for a World without Poverty (WWP).pt_BR
dc.educational.intendedenduserroleGestores públicos das Administrações subnacionaispt_BR
dc.rights.licenseTermo::Autorização: O autor da obra autorizou a Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP) à disponibilizá-la, em Acesso Aberto, no portal da ENAP, na Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos e no Repositório Institucional da ENAP. Atenção: essa autorização é válida apenas para a obra em seu formato original.pt_BR
Appears in Collections:Casoteca: Políticas Públicas
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