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dc.contributor.authorFontenele, Tânia
dc.contributor.authorBusch, Amarilis
dc.contributor.authorTessari, Gustavo
dc.contributor.authorRodrigues, Lilian
dc.description.abstractFernanda is a public servant. After achieving a doctorate degree in a foreign university, she returned to Brazil eager to apply her new knowledge to projects developed by the ministry in which she worked. However, her new immediate superior demonstrated opposition to her, carrying out systematic and unjustified resistance to her ideas and mocking her on several occasions in front of colleagues and subordinates. Her duties were gradually withdrawn, resulting in the loss of her position. She tried to react, contacted the Human Resources Department of the Ministry and other agencies, but nothing worked. Fernanda ended up taking a desperate measure. This case is about moral harassment and about how such situation is developed within a public agency, without the involvement of other employees and divisions of the agency. At the end of the narrative, there are questions for debate focusing on moral harassment and its consequences. As complementary material is the news from French newspaper Le Monde about moral harassment.pt_BR
dc.publisherEscola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)pt_BR
dc.subjectpublic sevantpt_BR
dc.subjectmoral harassmentpt_BR
dc.titleCrossing the line at workpt_BR
dc.title.alternativePassando de la raya en el ambiente de trabajopt_BR
dc.title.alternativePassando do limite no ambiente de trabalhopt_BR
dc.typeEstudo de Casopt_BR
dc.rights.holderEscola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)pt_BR
dc.description.physicalNúmero de páginas: 3 p.pt_BR
dc.description.classificationGestão de Pessoaspt_BR
dc.description.additionalThe case was initially developed during the 3rd Workshop on Case Study Methodology, carried out by the National School of Public Administration (Enap) in October of 2011. It is based on a true event.pt_BR
dc.description.additionalTânia Fontenele is the author of the original idea of the case study. She is a specialist in gender and diversity in organizations, researcher of women and labor market - Institute of Applied Research of Women (IPAM). taniafontenele@gmail.com. Amarílis Busch is a specialist in public policies and government management (EPPGG). Bachelor degree in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG). Master’s degree in International Humanitarian Law from the Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Gustavo Tessari has a Social Science degree and a Masters degree in Sociology from the Universidade Estadual Paulista, he currently holds the position of technician in educational affairs at the National School of Public Administration. Lilian Rodrigues holds a Licentiate degree in Mathematics. She is postgraduate in Academic Practice and has a Master ’s degree in Environmental Economics from the University of Brasília. She is currently a technical advisor at Enap and teaches at ICESP in the course of Administration.pt_BR
dc.subject.enapassédio moralpt_BR
dc.subject.enapagente públicopt_BR
dc.relation.referencesPassando do limite no ambiente de trabalho: http://repositorio.enap.gov.br/handle/1/367 / Pasando de la raya en el ambiente de trabajo: http://repositorio.enap.gov.br/handle/1/2193
dc.educational.intendedenduserroleServidores Públicospt_BR
dc.educational.intendedenduserroleGestores de Pessoaspt_BR
dc.rights.accessAcesso::Acesso Abertopt_BR
dc.rights.licenseTermo::Licença Padrão ENAP::É permitida a reprodução e a exibição para uso educacional ou informativo, desde que respeitado o crédito ao autor original e citada a fonte (http://www.enap.gov.br). Permitida a inclusão da obra em Repositórios ou Portais de Acesso Aberto, desde que fique claro para os usuários esses “termos de uso” e quem é o detentor dos direitos autorais, a Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP). Proibido o uso comercial. Permitida a criação de obras derivadas, desde que respeitado o crédito ao autor original. Essa licença é compatível com a Licença Creative Commons (by-nc-sa).pt_BR
Appears in Collections:Casoteca: Ética e Diversidade
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