Título: The case of FDI for Brasil: one foreign observer's view
Autor(es): Nomura, Mazen Arafat
Editor: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
Idioma: Idioma::Inglês:English:en
País: País::BR:Brasil
Tipo: Caderno
Extensão/Indicação de Série: 86 p.
Data: 2018
Detentor dos direitos autorais: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)
Termos de uso: Termo::Creative Commons - Uso Não Comercial - Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença (by-nc-sa): Esta licença permite que outros remixem, adaptem e criem obras derivadas sobre a obra original, desde que com fins não comerciais e contanto que atribuam crédito ao autor e licenciem as novas criações sob os mesmos parâmetros. Outros podem fazer o download ou redistribuir a obra da mesma forma que na licença anterior, mas eles também podem traduzir, fazer remixes e elaborar novas histórias com base na obra original. Toda nova obra feita a partir desta deverá ser licenciada com a mesma licença, de modo que qualquer obra derivada, por natureza, não poderá ser usada para fins comerciais. Fonte: http://creativecommons.org.br/as-licencas/
Classificação Temática: Desenvolvimento Social
Resumo: My brief was to present a non-academic, ‘conversational’ report on how FDI may help Brazil accomplish sustainable and inclusive growth in the country. It is meant to be a pragmatic survey and synthesis of interviews and readings conducted during a short visit to Brazil in January 2018, rather than a work that seeks to test economic theories or policy dogma or break new ground. Nevertheless, I hope it benefits from a beginner’s proclivity to ignore borders, common assumptions, inherited knowledge, whilst equally, with a bit of luck, managing to form a plausible narrative. The result of this investigation is substantially more diffuse, and ultimately quite a bit more unwieldly than the original question of how to promote SDG 17’s goal of crowding- in more private investors (in our case, foreign ones). Indeed, my initial bias was along the lines of promoting FDI in Brazil by setting up a few representative offices, organising investor conferences, and promoting some targeted financial products. All that is necessary, but the sheer scale and consistency of FDI into Brazil over a quarter century and its failure to coincide with transformational, inclusive growth suggests that asking more basic questions is necessary. I found it necessary to ask why FDI seems to have disappointed, and what needs to be done to make it work for Brazil in the future. That led me, for better or worse, to tackle the larger question of why Brazil failed to experience a productivity transformation. For better because I learned much in the process, for worse as I am not particularly qualified for such an undertaking.
Palavras-chave: investimento estrangeiro;  produto interno bruto;  desenvolvimento econômico;  produtividade;  desenvolvimento sustentável
Observações/Notas: Cadernos Enap, 58
ISSN: 0104-7078
URI: http://repositorio.enap.gov.br/handle/1/3599
Aparece nas coleções:Cadernos ENAP
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