Title: Middle-level bureaucrats: profile, trajectory and performance
Authors: Cavalcante, Pedro (Org.)
Lotta, Gabriela (Org.)
Publisher: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)
Endereço Eletrônico: http://www.enap.gov.br/en/web/pt-br/livros
Language: Inglês
Country: Brasil
metadata.dc.type: Livro
metadata.dc.description.physical: Número de páginas: 306 p.
Issue Date: 2015
metadata.dc.rights.holder: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)
metadata.dc.rights.license: Licença Padrão ENAP::É permitida a reprodução e a exibição para uso educacional ou informativo, desde que respeitado o crédito ao autor original e citada a fonte (http://www.enap.gov.br). Permitida a inclusão da obra em Repositórios ou Portais de Acesso Aberto, desde que fique claro para os usuários esses “termos de uso” e quem é o detentor dos direitos autorais, a Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP). Proibido o uso comercial. Permitida a criação de obras derivadas, desde que respeitado o crédito ao autor original. Essa licença é compatível com a Licença Creative Commons (by-nc-sa).
Classificação Temática: Administração Pública
Abstract: The book discusses the main results obtained from the research "Middle-level Bureaucracy in the Federal Government," which aimed to describe the profile and the work of the occupants of intermediate positions in different sectors of the Federal Government. This collection contains important reflections on the Brazilian State, especially with regard to its bureaucracy. Thus, we hope the book will contribute to scholars interested in the functioning of government and its bureaucracy, to society as a whole and especially to public managers working in the field of personnel management.
Keywords: Public Administration;  Management.;  Top-level Public Administration;  Middle-level bureaucracy;  Burocrata de Médio Escalão
metadata.dc.description.additional: ISBN 978-85-256-0075-2
Contents: Foreword 11 Introduction 13 Chapter 1. Middles-level bureaucrats: a new look at old actors producing public policies 23 Chapter 2. Middle-level bureacrats in government sectors: similarities and differences 55 Chapter 3. Influencing the decision-making process: what is the explanation for middle-level bureaucrats' protagonist role? 89 Chapter 4. Implementating an innovation: the middle-level bureacracy of the Bolsa Família Program 113 Chapter 5. Activism in the bureaucracy? The middle-level bureaucracy of the Bolsa Verde Program 141 Chapter 6. Inside the PAC: from formal arrangements to the interations and practices os its operators 175 Chapter 7. he middle-level bureacracy in the Brazilian Federal Revenue Department: selective insulation and construction of bureaucracy capabilities 221 Chapter 8. Middle-levek bureaucrady dilemmas in the context of a loosely articulated policy: the case of the National Public Security Department 251 Conclusion. Profiles, trajectories and relations: in a pursuit of a comprehensive analysis of middle-level bureaucrats of the Federal Government 291
URI: http://repositorio.enap.gov.br/handle/1/2552
Appears in Collections:Livros Publicados pela Enap
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